Welcome to our website!


Here you'll get to know something about us, our tours and hobbies - just look around... Comments and suggestions are always welcome!


Latest changes: Our page has been reworked now with a new design.



Have fun!

We are Ines, Ronny and Jennifer.

We're living in Burgthann, Germany, in the beautiful village Ezelsdorf. You wanna know where this is located? Approx. 19 miles south-east of Nuremberg's city center. Only Jennifer was born here, the remaining two of us didn't grow up here - but we like this area and we plan to stay here.

The reason why we've got to know each other is music and an advertisement in a magazine, which I - Ines - placed in 1987. And I - Ronny - answered to it, at first just for fun. But it is that easy that fun turns to seriousness - and we are the living proof that it is possible to get known and married with the help of a pen friendship.

We two "older" ones are big fans of Depeche Mode (and even Jennifer likes them already). But we're going in for music in general. Especially the 80's are our favorites, but we like a lot of current songs, too.

Questions, ideas and comments are always welcome! Just send an email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if it's regarding the site itself) or directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Here are some more details about each one of us:


My first hour struck in June, 1972 in Borna (this is approx. 19 miles south of Leipzig). There I grew up as the pet of a family with 4 brothers and sisters, went to kindergarten and school, and started my ecucation as a nurse in September, 1989.

As luck would have it my pen-pal Ronny started his studies in Leipzig at the same time. So we've finally got to know in person to each other. After some "time of probation" we at last got married in August, 1991.

After successfully finishing my education I, too, moved to Nuremberg in 1992 where Ronny was living for half a year already. From that time on until the end of 2015 I was employed at the Klinikum der Stadt Nuernberg, the municipal hospital of the city of Nuremberg. From November, 2015 I have my working life at the Klinikum Neumarkt.

If you like to you can send me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


I saw the light of day in September, 1969 in Gera (can't really remember that very well, but I believe what my parents are telling me Zwinkern). 

However I didn't grow up there but in Neubrandenburg. Until my 20th birthday I've been there in Mecklenburg. Learnt how to walk, kindergarten, 12 years of school, served my time at the army...

In 1989 I came to Leipzig for my studies of computer sciences. There I also got to know Ines personally after having a pen-friendship with her for more than a year already.And so it happened that I moved over to Borna in the beginning of 1990, and we finally got married in August, 1991.

By doing an internship during my studies I got to know a software company in Nuremberg and got employed there in April, 1992. Yes, right - at this time I hadn't finished my studies yet; I got my certificate by a distance study during the following years.

Ines came to Nuremberg in September, 1992, and so we could start building up our life here. After living 5 years in the city we moved into the vicinity of Nuremberg in the beginning of 1997, so we came to Schwarzenbruck. In May, 1998 I changed my job and am now employed at AtoS. And since October, 2005 we are living in our own home in Ezelsdorf.

Of course you can also send me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


...or to be more exact, Jennifer Nicole.Under this name I saw the light of day in July, 2003 in Lauf an der Pegnitz. I had a height of 53 cm and a (light) weight of 3320 g. Of course this has changed in the course of time, I'm considerably taller now (about 1,73 m, so my mom is the "smallest" in family now).

Since 2009 I'm a schoolgirl, studiously learning to write, calculate, and all the other things. And because of my sportive hobby - see below - I attend the Bertolt-Brecht-Schule in Nuremberg since 2013 in a competitive sports class.

You can reach me by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., too.



But be careful - I can also be quite sassy:







In my spare time I enthusiastically go in for Judo at the TSV Altenfurt - as my dad does.

Here we want to tell you something about our hobbies. We don’t need to mention traveling again – there we have separate pages for.


For a long time photography is one of Ronny’s hobbies. When I was a child it started with small compact cameras. In young age I bought my first SLR, a Praktica MTL-5B, which I owned for a long time. It made really good pictures! In the mid of the 90s it was replaced by a Canon EOS100. (Some pictures on this site were made with this camera. Unfortunately the quality suffered pretty much from scanning – but I want to have some room for improvement.) Around 2001 it was supplemented by my first digital camera, for starting a compact HP Photosmart 318. This has been replaced by a Canon S50 comparatively fast. And then came the time to replace both cameras – the analog SLR and the digital compact camera – by just one. I opted for a Canon EOS-20D which was a very valuable camera for many years. At the beginning of 2012 time had come to pay tribute to the technical progress, and now I call a Canon EOS-7D my own.

In our Photo Gallery you’ll find some selected pictures (besides the travel pictures) – have fun while viewing!


As already stated on the “About us” page another one of our hobbies is music, especially from the 80s, and in particular Depeche Mode. We are fans since ages – and Jennifer’s also starting to be like that...


If we are traveling our home country we mostly do this by our own car – and driving cars is another thing we like very much. For some years we are enthusiastic members of the X3-Treff – a bulletin board around the BMW X3. Here we’ve got to know a lot of nice people, and some true friendships result from it.


Furthermore both Jennifer and Ronny are regularly going in for judo at the TSV Altenfurt, Jennifer does it as competitive sports in the meantime, Ronny as trainer, and besides his profession Ronny likes to work with computers in his spare time – for instance to design this website.


In February 2015 we made a trip to Berlin...

Häufig fahren wir in Ronny's Heimatstadt Neubrandenburg, Stadt der Vier Tore.

Die im Jahre 1248 gegründete Stadt ist heute die drittgrößte Stadt in Mecklenburg...

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Schwerin ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Mecklenburgs und gleichzeitig Landeshauptstadt. Die Stadt...

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Schon mehrfach führte uns ein Ausflug in die Hansestadt Rostock, die größte Stadt Mecklenburgs. Rostock hat einen...

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Die Müritz, der größte Binnensee unseres Landes - immerhin 117 km² groß und bis zu 31 Meter tief - ist immer eine Reise wert. Größte...
